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    Looking for your leads please check out the area where the leads would come from.

Sample Louisiana> New Orleans,

Texas> Dallas,

Florida> Miami

I would like to welcome you to our community. We serve a closely knit group of entrepreneur’s. For those of you looking to expand your customer base, that is why we are here to help in that area. We truly believe that having a list of qualified customer to call on for business is an important part in your business growth.

     Having and running a business, when I was looking for qualified leads there are a couple of questions you need to ask. Also you need to get answer to meet your satisfaction. These are questions you should be asking any lead source that you intend on making a purchase through.

Are these leads being sold to other in your niche (business’s in your service area)?

How old are these leads?

Have the leads been freshly captured?

What is the policy when it comes to refund on a lead?

What area does the leads come from?

Does the customer have the funding?

What is the radius on the lead capture?

Are the leads qualified for the services that they are being sold ?

     Having been in business and purchasing leads from big companies. I have found that they do not care as they should about their customer base. I say this because if you have BEEN THERE you will know this to be true.

     I was so tired of getting leads that I ended up throwing in the trash can. The amount that was paid for these leads were high. As a business owner we work to hard to throw our dollars after sources that that are not worth the funds spent on those sources. So I decided to create a lead service that would gather leads for contractors in various niches. We do our best to qualify those leads and to make sure that they are worth going after for our customers (CONTRACTORS).

        The main reason why this is set up. Is to gather qualified leads that will ONLY be sold to one business and ONLY ONE BUSINESS !!!

I have had times where I had to dispute a lead because it was not valid?

The person did not have the financing to complete the job?

The customer was just out looking for a free estimate on their job?

They were not looking to get the work done by a reputable contractor?

I can go on and on about the poor quality of leads available but I think you get the point.

Louisiana: Leads

Mississippi: Leads

Alabama : Leads

Texas : Leads

Georgia : Leads

Florida : Leads

Arkansas : Leads

North Carolina : Leads

South Carolina : Leads

New Mexico : Leads

California : Leads